Comprehensive Plan

The foundation of statewide program for land use planning in Oregon is a set of 19 Statewide Land Use Planning Goals. The goals express the state's policies on land use and related topics, like citizen involvement, housing, and natural resources. Most goals are accompanied by guidelines, which are suggestions about how a goal may be applied. Oregon's statewide goals are achieved through local comprehensive planning. State law requires each city and county to adopt a comprehensive plan and the zoning and land-division ordinances needed to put the plan into effect.

Local comprehensive plans must be consistent with the Statewide Planning Goals. Plans are reviewed for such consistency by the state's Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC). When LCDC officially approves a local government's plan, the plan is said to be acknowledged. It then becomes the controlling document for land use in the area covered by that plan.

Oregon's planning laws require municipalities to consider the following area:  

Goal 1 Citizen Involvement

Goal 2 Land Use Planning

Goal 3 Agricultural Lands

Goal 4 Forest Lands

Goal 5 Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces

Goal 6 Air, Water and Land Resources Quality

Goal 7 Areas Subject to Natural Hazards

Goal 8 Recreational Needs

Goal 9 Economic Development

Goal 10 Housing

Goal 11 Public Facilities and Services

Goal 12 Transportation

Goal 13 Energy Conservation

Goal 14 Urbanization

Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway

Goal 16 Estuarine Resources

Goal 17 Coastal Shorelands

Goal 18 Beaches and Dunes

Goal 19 Ocean Resources

Urban Growth Boundary

The State of Oregon requires municipalities to establish limits to growth surrounding the community.  The city of Warrenton has established this boundary as its current city limits.  Changes to the city limits, including annexation and alterations to the Urban Growth boundary require review by the City Planning Commission, City Council and the State of Oregon.

Economic Analysis

The city most recently updated Goal 9 (Economic Development). The following link will bring you to the report. (click here)